the purpose of metal music in people's lives, and the extent to which Lamb of God is responsible for that. We're introduced to a couple of 'die-hard' fans from different cultures, and the way they explain their affection for this music is unexpected. Their love appears to come not just from the music itself, but also a need to release aggression, to purge unhealthy feelings, and the desire to belong to something.
Lamb of god rock as the palaces burn lyrics driver#
Listening to a young Columbian cab driver spoke volumes- he thinks about "getting out a machete and start cutting off heads", but he puts in the music and he feels better. Lamb of god as the palaces burn lyrics driver# That mindset may seem on the verge of sociopathic behavior, but in this context it seems reasonable. Music has always been an organic, healthy outlet for people it has a way of bringing focus and peace to minds constantly barraged by negativity. "As the Palaces Burn" lends credence to the thought that there exists a healthy connection between the angst and energy of metal and the fans who crave it to release their own.
After all, it stands to reason that if the lyrics come from a place of hurt, desperation, and anger, it will likely resonate with many a person. That's a fascinating angle that I hadn't considered before, and a welcome thought indeed. If I told you that's simply what the documentary was about, you might think it was perfectly fine as is. However, we're led down an entirely different path as the band reaches the Czech Republic for a leg of their tour- a path the film had to explore, and it becomes the crux of the experience. Fans familiar with the band know the story, but allow me to illuminate those in the dark- as they landed, the band was detained. Why? Back in 2010, as was alleged, a fan died as a result of injuries sustained 'leaping' from the stage at a Lamb of God concert in Prague. The prosecution alleged that Randy Blythe was partially responsible for this, and thus charged him with manslaughter- later he was indicted. If your first reaction was 'what?', you're on the right track. We'll need to put aside the fact that a human being did die, a young man and fan of the band to boot- that's clearly sad enough. What's interesting for our purposes is the legal situation itself. The documentary does a commendable job of intertwining the emotional journey of Blythe through this process and the guts of putting a real defense together, all laid out before our eyes. As an American just familiar enough with our legal system to get by, I could easily spot the holes in the prosecution's case. However, I also know of the danger in allowing foreign courts, with all the uncertainty, to decide the fate of an American. The end result might seem perfunctory- but be it by accident or not, the filmmakers were able to craft this unfortunate court case to the tune of a perfectly adept legal thriller. I commend the film for getting through to me as a non-fan of the genre, and furthermore for deftly weaving our new-found intimate knowledge of the band with a messy overseas legal scenario. It's honest, forthright, and unflinching as it reveals to us the band's personal demons along with the celebration of their triumphs and successes. We see the band for who they are- talented musicians with varied backgrounds who managed to put something special together, and nearly lost it. What we may take for granted, as fans, is that bands are families too non-traditional, perhaps, but families nonetheless.
The threat of losing a family member long- term had to weigh on the group, especially if you consider how unfair the entire situation seemed.